Sprite 1984 - 1993
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458 lines
# default.mx -
# This file is an initialization script read by Mx whenever it starts
# up. It defines a bunch of procedures, configures bindings, and
# initializes variables.
# Copyright 1990 Regents of the University of California
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
# software and its documentation for any purpose and without
# fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
# notice appear in all copies. The University of California
# makes no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
# express or implied warranty.
# Command procedures to extend the built-in command set:
proc move {} {
set _t [mark caret]
insert [selection]
set _l [mark sel.left]
set _r [mark sel.right]
selection set $_t [mark caret back 1 char]
delete $_l $_r noviewchange
proc line i {
if {[scan $i %d _t] != 1} {error [format {bad line number "%s"} $i]}
set _t [format %d.0 $i]
see $_t
selection set $_t [mark $_t char -1]
caret $_t
proc next {} {
global files
if {[length $files] == 1} {error {no more files left to edit}}
switch [index $files 1]
set files [range $files 1 end]
proc tag name {
global newWindow
set i [taginfo $name]
open [index $i 0]
send $newWindow [list search forw [index $i 1]]
proc showBindings {args} {
global newWindow
open {}
send $newWindow {insert Keystroke\ Bindings:\n}
send $newWindow {insert ---------\ --------\n}
if {[length $args] == 0} {set args [bind]}
foreach binding $args {
send $newWindow [list insert [format {\n%-10s => "%s"}
[control binding $binding] [bind $binding]]]
send $newWindow clean
send $newWindow {see 0.0}
proc showMenus {args} {
global newWindow
open {}
send $newWindow {insert Menu\ information:\n}
send $newWindow {insert ----\ -----------\n}
send $newWindow {insert \n(Format:\ displayed\ information\ |\ command)}
if {[length $args] == 0} {set args [menu info]}
foreach i $args {
set leftSize 5
set midSize 5
set rightSize 5
send $newWindow clean
foreach j [menu info $i] {
set t [length [index $j 0] chars]
if {$t > $leftSize} {set leftSize $t}
set t [length [index $j 1] chars]
if {$t > $midSize} {set midSize $t}
set t [length [index $j 2] chars]
if {$t > $rightSize} {set rightSize $t}
send $newWindow [list insert [format \n\n%s: $i]]
foreach j [menu info $i] {
send $newWindow [list insert [format {\n %-*s %-*s %-*s | %s} \
$leftSize [index $j 0] $midSize [index $j 1] \
$rightSize [index $j 2] [index $j 3]]]
send $newWindow clean
send $newWindow {see 0.0}
proc showProcs {args} {
global newWindow
open {}
send $newWindow {insert Procedure\ information:\n}
send $newWindow {insert ---------\ -----------}
if {[length $args] == 0} {set args [info procs]}
foreach proc $args {
set space {}
send $newWindow [list insert [format \n\n%s( $proc]]
send $newWindow clean
foreach param [info args $proc] {
send $newWindow [list insert [format %s%s $space $param]]
set space {, }
if [info default $proc $param default] {
send $newWindow [list insert [format { [%s]} $default]]
send $newWindow {insert ):\n}
send $newWindow [list insert [info body $proc]]
send $newWindow clean
send $newWindow {see 0.0}
proc showVars {args} {
global newWindow
open {}
send $newWindow {insert Variable\ values:\n}
send $newWindow {insert --------\ -------\n}
set _maxLength 10
if {[length $args] == 0} {set args [uplevel {info vars}]}
foreach _i $args {
if {[length $_i chars] > $_maxLength} {
set _maxLength [length $_i chars]
set _maxLength [expr $_maxLength+6]
foreach _i $args {
send $newWindow [list insert [format {\n%-*s = "%s"} \
$_maxLength $_i [uplevel set $_i]]]
send $newWindow clean
send $newWindow {see 0.0}
proc where {} {
global newWindow errorInfo
if {![info exists errorInfo]} {
return "no error has occurred yet"
open {}
send $newWindow {insert "Stack trace for last error:\n"}
send $newWindow {insert "----- ----- --- ---- ------\n\n"}
send $newWindow [list insert $errorInfo]
send $newWindow "clean; see 0.0"
proc caretinfo {} {
global file
scan [mark eof] %d _t
scan [mark caret] %d _t2
return [format {"%s": %d total lines, caret on line %d} $file $_t $_t2]
# Copying and deletion bindings:
bind \Cv {insert [selection]}
bind \Mv {move}
bind \Cd {delete sel.left sel.right}
bind \ed {
set saved [selection]
delete sel.left sel.right
bind \ev {insert $saved}
bind \Ch {!delete [mark caret back 1 char]}
bind \177 {!delete [mark caret back 1 char]}
bind \Cl {delete caret}
bind \Cw {!delete [mark caret back 1 word] [mark caret back 1 char]}
bind \Cn {delete caret [mark [mark caret forw 1 word] back 1 char]}
bind \Ce {
if {[string compare [mark caret] [mark caret char -1]] != 0} {
delete caret [mark [mark caret char -1] back 1 char]
} else {
delete [mark caret]}
# Non-destructive caret motion bindings:
bind \Mh {
caret [mark caret back 1 char]
see caret
set _lastPos 0.0
bind \Mj {
if {[string compare $_lastPos [mark caret]] != 0} {
set _lastCol [column caret]
set _lastPos [mark [mark caret forw 1 line] column $_lastCol]
caret $_lastPos
see caret
bind \Mk {
if {[string compare $_lastPos [mark caret]] != 0} {
set _lastCol [column caret]
set _lastPos [mark [mark caret back 1 line] column $_lastCol]
caret $_lastPos
see caret
bind \Ml {
caret [mark caret forw 1 char]
see caret
bind \Mw {
caret [mark caret back 1 word]
see caret
bind \Mn {
caret [mark caret forw 1 word]
see caret
bind \Me {
set _t [mark caret char -1]
if {[string compare [mark caret] $_t] == 0} {
set _t [mark [mark caret forw 1 line] char -1]
caret $_t
see caret
bind \215 {
caret [mark [mark caret forw 1 line] char 0]
see caret
bind \Cg {history next history {line [selection]}}
# Searching and replacement bindings:
bind \Cf {history next history {search forw}}
bind \Cb {history next history {search back}}
bind \Mf {history next history {search forw [selection]}}
bind \Mb {history next history {search back [selection]}}
bind \e\Cf {history next history {
set _l [mark sel.left]
set _r [mark sel.right]
selection set caret
search forw
selection set $_l $_r
bind \e\Cb {history next history {
set _l [mark sel.left]
set _r [mark sel.right]
selection set caret
search back
selection set $_l $_r
bind \ef {history ignore {focus search clear}}
bind \er {history ignore {focus replace clear}}
bind \Cr {replace}
# Indentation bindings:
bind \Cp {indent caret caret + 4}
bind \Cy {indent caret caret - 4}
bind \Mp {indent sel.left sel.right + 4}
bind \My {indent sel.left sel.right - 4}
# File and tag bindings:
bind \Co {
open $file
send $newWindow [list see [mark top] top]
bind \Mo {open [selection]}
bind \Ms {switch [selection]}
bind \Ct {
set _t [taginfo [selection]]
switch [index $_t 0]
search forw [index $_t 1]
bind \Mt {tag [selection]}
bind \et {
set _t [mark caret back 1 char]
selection set [mark $_t back 1 word] $_t
tag [selection]
# Mark-related bindings:
bind \ema {set _marka [mark caret]}
bind \Mma {see $_marka; caret $_marka}
bind \emb {set _markb [mark caret]}
bind \Mmb {see $_markb; caret $_markb}
bind \emc {set _markc [mark caret]}
bind \Mmc {see $_markc; caret $_markc}
bind \emd {set _markd [mark caret]}
bind \Mmd {see $_markd; caret $_markd}
bind \eme {set _marke [mark caret]}
bind \Mme {see $_marke; caret $_marke}
bind \emf {set _markf [mark caret]}
bind \Mmf {see $_markf; caret $_markf}
bind \emg {set _markg [mark caret]}
bind \Mmg {see $_markg; caret $_markg}
bind \emh {set _markh [mark caret]}
bind \Mmh {see $_markh; caret $_markh}
bind \emi {set _marki [mark caret]}
bind \Mmi {see $_marki; caret $_marki}
bind \emj {set _markj [mark caret]}
bind \Mmj {see $_markj; caret $_markj}
bind \emk {set _markk [mark caret]}
bind \Mmk {see $_markk; caret $_markk}
bind \eml {set _markl [mark caret]}
bind \Mml {see $_markl; caret $_markl}
bind \emm {set _markm [mark caret]}
bind \Mmm {see $_markm; caret $_markm}
bind \emn {set _markn [mark caret]}
bind \Mmn {see $_markn; caret $_markn}
bind \emo {set _marko [mark caret]}
bind \Mmo {see $_marko; caret $_marko}
bind \emp {set _markp [mark caret]}
bind \Mmp {see $_markp; caret $_markp}
bind \emq {set _markq [mark caret]}
bind \Mmq {see $_markq; caret $_markq}
bind \emr {set _markr [mark caret]}
bind \Mmr {see $_markr; caret $_markr}
bind \ems {set _marks [mark caret]}
bind \Mms {see $_marks; caret $_marks}
bind \emt {set _markt [mark caret]}
bind \Mmt {see $_markt; caret $_markt}
bind \emu {set _marku [mark caret]}
bind \Mmu {see $_marku; caret $_marku}
bind \emv {set _markv [mark caret]}
bind \Mmv {see $_markv; caret $_markv}
bind \emw {set _markw [mark caret]}
bind \Mmw {see $_markw; caret $_markw}
bind \emx {set _markx [mark caret]}
bind \Mmx {see $_markx; caret $_markx}
bind \emy {set _marky [mark caret]}
bind \Mmy {see $_marky; caret $_marky}
bind \emz {set _markz [mark caret]}
bind \Mmz {see $_markz; caret $_markz}
# Miscellaneous bindings:
bind \Cq {quit}
bind \Cu {history next history {undo more}}
bind \Cs {write}
bind \t {!insert \t}
bind \15 {newline}
bind \Cj {
caret [mark caret char -1]
bind \Ck {
insert \n [mark caret char 0]
caret [mark [mark caret char 0] back 1 char]
bind \Ca {
history add $history
history ignore {eval $history}
bind \Cc {history ignore {focus command clear}}
bind \C? caretinfo
# Menus:
menu create Control \
{Save and quit} - - - {write; quit} \
{Save} - {C-s} - {write} \
{Save in file $sel} - - - {write [selection]} \
{Undo} - {C-u} - {history next history {undo more}} \
{Do again} - {C-a} - {
history add $history
history ignore {eval $history}
} \
{Reset} - - - reset \
{Quit} - {C-q} - quit
menu create Help \
{Introductory tutorial} - - - {open [format %s/tutorial1 $helpDir]} \
{Info on last error} - - - {where} \
{Info on default key bindings} - - - {
open [format %s/bindings.doc $helpDir]
} \
{Current key bindings} - - - {showBindings} \
{Current variable values} - - - {showVars} \
{Current menus} - - - {showMenus} \
{Current command procedures} - - - {showProcs}
menu create Search \
{Search forward} - {C-f} - {history next history {search forw}} \
{Search backward} - {C-b} - {history next history {search back}} \
{Search forward for $sel} - {M-f} - \
{history next history {search forw [selection]}} \
{Search backward for $sel} - {M-b} - \
{history next history {search back [selection]}} \
{Replace} - {C-r} - {replace} \
{Substitute throughout $sel} - - - {
replace range sel.left sel.right
focus file
} \
{Substitute everywhere} - - - {replace range 0.0 eof; focus file}
menu create Window \
{See tag $sel} - {C-t} - {
set _t [taginfo [selection]]
switch [index $_t 0]
search forw [index $_t 1]
} \
{See file $sel} - {M-s} - {switch [selection]} \
{See line $sel} - {C-g} - {
history next history {
if {[scan [selection] %d _t] != 1} {error
{you didn't select a line number}}
line $_t
} \
{New window on tag $sel} - {M-t} - {tag [selection]} \
{New window on file $sel} - {M-o} - {open [selection]} \
{New window on same file} - {C-o} - {
open $file
send $newWindow [list see [mark top] top]
} \
{Open command subwindow} - {C-c} - {history ignore {focus command clear}}
menu create Indent \
{Indent selected lines 4} - {M-p} - {indent sel.left sel.right + 4} \
{Outdent selected lines 4} - {M-y} - {indent sel.left sel.right - 4} \
{Indent caret line 4} - {C-p} - {indent caret caret + 4} \
{Outdent caret line 4} - {C-y} - {indent caret caret - 4} \
{Left-justify selected lines} - - - {indent sel.left sel.right 0}
menu create Selection \
{Copy $sel to caret} - {C-v} - {insert [selection]} \
{Move $sel to caret} - {M-v} - {move} \
{Delete $sel} - {C-d} - {delete sel.left sel.right}
menu create Misc \
{Caret location} - {C-?} - {caretinfo} \
{Convert to control characters} - - - {
set _t [extract sel.left sel.right]
set _t2 [mark sel.left]
insert [control make $_t] $_t2
set _t3 [mark sel.left back 1 char]
delete sel.left sel.right
selection set $_t2 $_t3
} \
{Insert file $sel at caret} - - - {read [selection]}
if [file /sprite/lib/forms isdirectory] {
menu create Forms \
local.mk - - - {read /sprite/lib/forms/local.mk} \
prochead - - - {read /sprite/lib/forms/prochead} \
proto.c - - - {read /sprite/lib/forms/proto.c} \
proto.csh - - - {read /sprite/lib/forms/proto.csh} \
proto.h - - - {read /sprite/lib/forms/proto.h} \
cmd.man - - - {read /sprite/lib/forms/cmd.man} \
lib.man - - - {read /sprite/lib/forms/lib.man} \
sun3.md/proto.s - - - {read /sprite/lib/forms/sun3.md/proto.s} \
sun3.md/asmhead - - - {read /sprite/lib/forms/sun3.md/asmhead}
# Various controlling variables:
set searchCmd {history next history search}
set replaceCmd replace
# Miscellaneous variables:
set history {}